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The Château de Fontainebleau can proudly claim to have been a sovereign residence for eight centuries. Capétiens, Valois, Bourbons, Bonaparte and Orléans, all members of French ruling dynasties, have lived within these walls. Kings and queens, emperors and empresses have all striven to make their own improvements to the château built around the original keep. The estate quickly became a huge palace in which many momentous historical events have played out.



We visited Fontainebleau in december, thus there was a Christmas atmosphere! The family of Jenny spent their holidays in France, so they came with us. They told us that they really had fun.


To find out more about the castle, click on the link below !


Some wanted to see a French castle so we visited The Château de Fontainebleau (which may be translated as "Palace of Fontainebleau") . We had scheduled all the program for the day, including what to do, how and where to eat. We took the train to go to Fontainebleau. The organization was a bit messy because it was one of the first time that we organized something that big. But we learned from our mistakes! We had a great lunch, we walked in the city and visited the castle! The students were satisfied (but also tired at the end of the day !).


Inside the castle

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