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Near ESIEA, there are several public transports available. There are the station Pierre et Marie Curie of the line 7 of the subway (3 min from school), RER C at the station Ivry-sur-Seine (10 minutes by foot from the school) and different buses that can stop by Mairie d’Ivry station [125, 132, 182, 323] which is 5 min away from the school.


Timetable Paris transports:


RER : Everyday from 5:30 am to 1:30 am


Métro : During the week and Sunday from 5h30 to 1h15

Friday, Saturday evening and the day before events from 5:30 am to 2:15 am


Night Buses (aka Noctilien) : from 0h30 to 5h30 and stop at every railway station of Paris.


You can find more information on the RATP website (transport company):


Here you can have maps of the subway, buses and other types of transport:


Here you can have information about the different type of tickets and their prices:



We advise you to buy a “Pass Navigo”. It’s simpler to use and if you are planning on staying for a relatively long period of time, it’s better to use it (it’s less expansive).

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